
Ahead of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly, the Palestinian Mission to the UN has submitted a disgraceful and flagrant resolution targeting the Jewish State of Israel and its rightful control over its historic homeland. The resolution could be voted on as early.

Rubio, Colleagues to Biden: Stop China From Breaking Into USMCA Trade Agreement

Communist China is avoiding U.S. tariffs by moving its manufacturing to Mexico, which benefits from the United States–Mexico–Canada (USMCA) free trade agreement. Meanwhile, Mexico continues to surge its steel exports to the U.S. in contravention of the 2019 steel.

Rubio Urges Latin American Partners to Support Israel at UN

The Palestinian Mission to the United Nations (UN) has submitted a disgraceful resolution targeting the Jewish State of Israel. This resolution calls for various antisemitic actions, including: taking the rightful control over its historic homeland. U.S. Senator Marco.

Rubio, King to FDA: Strengthen Our Nation’s Medical Manufacturing

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has yet to fully develop clear regulatory guidelines for advanced manufacturing technologies of pharmaceuticals. With insufficient levels of domestic pharmaceutical manufacturing, America’s public health and national.

Rubio Habla con Telemundo Miami

El senador estadounidense Marco Rubio (R-FL) habló en exclusiva con Gloria Ordaz de Telemundo Miami sobre el segundo intento de asesinato contra el ex-presidente Donald Trump. Una transcripción de cortesía, levemente editada está a continuación. Vea la.

Rubio, Scott: Red Tape Holding Up Space Innovation and Critical Launches

The Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) frequent delays in approving launch and reentry licenses are slowing the innovation and development of space missions. The FAA’s Office of Commercial Space Transportation must ensure its regulatory framework keeps pace with.

Rubio, Romney Reintroduce Bill Giving New Parents Option for Paid Leave

Washington, D.C. U.S. Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Mitt Romney (R-UT) will reintroduce the New Parents Act, which creates a voluntary option for paid parental leave by allowing new parents to use a portion of their Social Security after the birth or adoption of a child. The bill also provides parents the flexibility to use their benefits in a way that works best for their household by allowing parents to combine their leaves, or transfer them to one parent. Many parents, especially those with low incomes, will be able to finance three months of leave, or longer, under the New Parents Act. A one pager of the bill is available here.

“Our economic policies need to reflect our values, and right now far too many young, working families are falling behind,” Rubio said. “We can support working and stay-at-home moms and dads alike without raising taxes or expanding federal bureaucracy. Our New Parents Act would give young families much-needed flexibility in how they choose to use their money and support their family.”

“American families are facing greater financial strain, worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic, and marriage and birth rates are at an all-time low,” Romney said. “In Utah, and throughout the United States, a majority of working parents do not get paid when they take time off from work after the birth or adoption of a child, which can mean depleted savings, credit card debt, and student loan defaults. We are reintroducing the New Parents Act in order to give parents the flexibility to take time off from work with pay during the first weeks of their children’s lives, without growing our national debt, raising taxes, or creating a new entitlement program.”