How do you write an affidavit?

Some evidence is spoken aloud in court, and some evidence is presented in writing. Written evidence is called an affidavit.

An affidavit is your statement of facts about your case – your evidence. You sign the bottom of the statement to confirm that what you've written is true.

A good affidavit has all the important information a judge needs to make a decision.

There are some rules about how to write an affidavit.

What do you say in an affidavit?

The affidavit is your evidence. You must:

Tell the truth

If the judge believes your affidavit is false or misleading:

Stick to the facts

Focus on facts that you know about first-hand. That means you write down what you:

You can talk about what you know from second-hand information, but you have to be able to show that this information is reliable. Have the person you got the information from write an affidavit too, if possible.

If you write down what you heard another person say, you must also write down: