Grand Summoners Giant Boss Guide

grand summoners giant boss guide

The guide provided here has Meta/Generally Accepted Methods, but they’re not always the ideal way. You can assuredly get away with less or different than the examples provided in this guide, including units such as Sophie, Gaia, Tier B/C units, etc. They can all mesh into workable comps. (Some WOKE helpers may have their own, ridiculous, proprietary carry compositions for particular bosses.) You can also find additional information about potential team compositions by checking the Hall of Fame for a particular dungeon to see how other players have cleared it.

Most bosses can be nuked, and break nuking can roughly be interchangeable with it, but nuking tends to require unit/equip coordination and may require better gear depending on the boss, so when dealing with the average player, a slow-roll tends to be more consistent.

All bosses below refer to awoken (AWK) stages. “Flex” and “Any” slots are where you can best carry dead weight. All units suggestions assume that it is MLB; Equipment loadout is the most critical part of most units.

***Remember: Any Giant Boss has several mob stages beforehand where you can stall and generate arts/prepare your team.

The Crimson King1500000-10% Water Res

Easy boss with low HP. It is recommended that you nuke this boss, as slow roll teams will have to deal with his Burn, which will lower your HP to 1 in seconds if unprepared. If you’re not nuking, you will need to bring cleansers like Feena or cleansing equips. Anyone that has meta water units such as Vox and Thetis can easily carry, provided they have the appropriate support. Notably, Selia as one of the best Freezers in the game, can more or less freeze-lock this boss if you can spam her arts/true arts.

Example comp: Fen / Aristella / Thetis / Any

Example nuke comp: 2x Vox, Weaver, Est


*When he starts flying/ignites himself in place, gains 3 Atk Buffs

*Regular Attacks may stun and/or highly burn.

*Eruption: Degil will roar and lava will erupt from the bottom of the stage. Moderate-high dmg.

*Crimson Breath: Breaths fire that can burn. Moderate-high dmg.

Shrine of Remembrance650000

Oldeus has very low HP, but will only take damage during break. Break-nuking is the go to. Build around a dedicated Breaker such as Platina and Wargul. If you take too long to break, Oldeus may instant-kill a key unit with his arts mechanic. If you can’t instant/fast break then Feena’s cleanse can easily buy you time.

Example Comp: (Est / DPS / Break / SUPP), (Est / Sait (break-nuke) / SUPP / any)

Example Comp 2: (stable slow-roll) Feena / SUPP / Any / Any

Glowing Sanctuary3000000Phy/Crit immune

Fosradius has moderately high HP and is immune to physical attacks (that’s right, you Vox fanatics, he does nothing here), making slow-roll the standard method for normal players. This boss has strong arts but he’s easily frozen, so TW Corsair is the general unit. A single TW Corsair or more if you can get it, a support and 1 or 2 magic DPS will easily outsustain it; just be sure to freeze-cancel the boss’s arts.

Example Comp: (TW Corsair / magic SUPP (Sonije for example) / 2x magic DPS or Any).

Do not bring crit equips or crit based units to this boss as it will take 1 damage from any critical hits.

This boss is easily nukeable as well provided you have enough magic buffs + enemy debuffs stacked. Example nuke comp: Rem / Alma / Melia / Altie.


*Negates Physical Dmg

*Negates Critical Dmg (reduces any critical hit to 1 point of dmg)

*Boosts its own Arts Gauge gen

*Can fly into the air like the other dragons. Stopped with freeze / paralysis / faint / stun / a status that hit-stuns.

*Judgement Breath: Breaths/deals light magic dmg. Moderate-high dmg.

*Shining Cry: Roar while beams of light erupt from the ground. Deals high dmg and will wipe if unprepared.

Cave of Deep Darkness2800000

Aggressive boss with a strong Burn. Has a fairly high bar for 1-shot, so as for helping unknowns/public lobbies, we’ll talk about slow-roll instead. The boss has a laser art with large invincibility frame and an instant heavy dmg art; the laser also applies a very potent Burn.

Example Comp: TW Feena + Mako / Sonije / Fen + Edram + any (even Rayas) can easily auto this.

The Green Strikes Back2000000

Easy boss with medium HP. Boss can inflict Disease (stopped with Paralysis) and can regenerate HP (stopped with Burn); otherwise, Elp has low-medium damage output.

Example Comp: Feena TW + Mako / Sonije / Fen + Fire DPS + Any, and it’s an easy overkill auto. Otherwise, mass paralysis involving TT / Edram, Burn, and Mako / SUPP should work.

Code XTF: EraserHPRes
Fortress of the Machine Gods130000030% Mag Res

Eraser isn’t tanky at all due to its low HP, but his gimmicks are annoying.

It gains at adaptive shield that will block all damage from a specific Element depending on the element that hit him the hardest before his shield comes up.

Either you can nuke the boss before he gets the resist up, or you slow-roll with a non mono-element team. Be (extremely) wary once you bring him down to 0 HP as his final move deals an immense amount of damage; this will OTK a team without proper mitigation to counter it. Best way to counter it is to stack mitigation on a single unit to survive it preferably a Taunt-Tank, or bring cheesy units like Mira or Mixie.

Any team works for this as the boss itself deals hardly any damage as long as the units built-in have a method of dealing with the gimmicks.

Example Setup: ARTSGEN / (Healer / ARTSGEN) / (DPS / Flex) / (Flex / Gimmick Counter)
Example Comp: Fen / Aristela / Norn / (Mira / Thetis / Gerald)

Cry of the Azure Roc2000000-30% Earth Res

Freydal likes to freeze, crit and evade if you give it time. Nuking and especially break-nuking works. For slow-roll, lots of combinations will work, Pronimos can be useful here due to its Evasion UP.

Example Setup: Break-nuke (Est) / DPS / Breaker / SUPP

Example Comp: Feena / Fen / (Mako / SUPP / Any) / (DPS / Any)

Example Nuke Comp: Ashe, Saitama, Weaver, Sonije

Crimson Flames of the Phoenix2000000Crit Immune

Flogassa likes to burn, crit (increased critical dmg on burning units) and evade. The bird is also immune to critical dmg, meaning it takes only 1 damage from critical attacks, though Est’s break-nuking is very ideal for this. If slow-rolling, Feena with SUPP is the easiest answer to burn, Feena TW + Mako / Sonije should be able to carry some dead weight. With enough Feena TA uptime, you can fill in with additional heal or defense cleanser as additional insurance.

Example Comp: Feena / Mako / (SUPP / DPS) / Any

Trials of the Flame God3000000

Ifrit has high HP, aggressive attacks, and a special Arts that will OTK the team once his HP is low enough. All of his arts/attacks are easily interrupted with Freeze so TW Corsair / Selia directly counters his entire kit.

At the start of the battle, Ifrit will immediately burn the team + halve team HP, while he himself receives increased dmg against burning units.

(***Bring a cleanse equip or a cleanser unit***)

Example Comp: (TW Corsair / Selia) / (Mako / SUPP) + (Water DPS / Any) / Any.

A Silent Swordfight2000000-40% Earth Res

Palamicia is a somewhat easy boss with moderate HP; she does have a damaging counter mechanic (keep an eye on her and you’ll see a named move box appear next to her when counter is active) and hard hitting arts; however, Pala easily susceptible to paralysis.

Nuking and break-nuking both work here and TT pairs well with Est in this matchup. Slow-roll mostly involves chain-paralyzing the boss and outsustaining her. You should try to open the battle immediately with a paralysis art or parlysis equip as Pala has a high chance to start with a counterattack barrier right away.

Example Comp: TT / Fen / SUPP / Any

Example Comp 2: (Vox / Riviera) / SUPP / Any / Any

Example Nuke Comp: Riviera, Weaver, TT, Rem

Example Nuke Comp 2: Ashe / Saitama / Pientz / Sonije

A Subzero Hellscape250000050% Phy Res

A high HP boss given its 50% physical resistance. This boss has a medium-high damage output while being able Freeze.

Its unique gimmick involves it Freezing itself to rapidly regen HP, that can be countered by Burn. You therefore need a few things: enough sustain / healing to survive, a source of Burn to cancel his regen, cleanse for Freeze, and a magic DPS is a bonus, but not a must. This means once again, Feena MvP. For Burn, 2 of either Rose Garden, Petraskia or Vulkan (usually preferred) will do.

Example Comp: (stable slow carry) TW Feena / Fen / (SUPP / Mako) – Any

Example Comp 2: TW Feena / Fen / Berwick / Any

Clashing Thunder of the Emerald Bird3000000-30% Fire Res

Green bird, the terror to novices. Every one of its attacks have a high chance of paralysis (CRITICAL dmg on paralyzed unit).


*Piera Bolt: Shoots bolts of lightning from its wings. Very high dmg and 100% paralysis if you have no status cleanse.

*Neposufortuna: Rapidly flaps wings to create a green tornado. Moderate-high damage. Mitigate with Def equips.

*Chunosubrante: Tonetaurus will disappear and fly back into the screen to bombard the stage with bolts of lightning. High Dmg output and will wipe unprepared teams or will paralyze for a long duration. BLIND or MITIGATE. STATUS-CLEANSE.

*Storm Status: Roughly ~25% HP, Evasion Rate UP, HP Regen. Regens 3000 HP per second. Clear Storm Status by Breaking.

For slow-roll, TW Feena + SUPP / ARTSGEN is generally enough to survive with the proper equips. Since one of the 3 arts can wipe you from full health, you will need dmg mitigation def equips; make sure your cleanser covers the art duration

When Tone is about to arts, you can also blind him, which will effectively stop the high damage. If the blind doesn’t stick, you’ll need to pop defensive active to ensure survival.

Staple (fire) nuke team: Berwick, Milim, Benimaru, Flex/2nd Milim/Millenia.

The Black Shadow of Eclipse3500000-50% Light Res

High HP boss with a huge weakness to Light. Falls to Light Nuke easily, otherwise his damage output is a medium low.


*God Killer and Faint Evasion DOWN

*Black Hole: Boss will hover and suck a unit into a hole which will arts drain that unit and reduce max hp; freeze and faint both work to interrupt this.

*Dark Schneider: Flys into the air and does moderate-high dmg and inflicts Disease. Mitigate with faint or Def equips.

*Evil End Roa: Mav will roar, dealing high dmg and 100% Disease infliction without status cleanse; this will wipe unprepared teams.

For nuking, Saitama with support can easily do it or a BK like Vox. Nuke equips such as Rags Gem, and Axioma Valheight on Saitama can usually one shot, or be close to it.

For slow-roll, a Tank / SUPP / 2 Flex can barrel through it, but you will have to interrupt its Black Hole to avoid unit deaths.

Ragsherum PhantomHP
Despair of the Cursed Armor2000000

Ragsherum Phantom (RP) only takes damage during break and has very high break resistance, high dps.


*Grab Attack: picks up/throws a unit for massive dmg unless mitigated.

*End of Hell: Beams of darkness that envelops the stage. Max HP DOWN attack.

*True Nightmare: Instantly wipes a targeted unit when RP reaches five orbs. Has a bar that is difficult to break through. Targeted unit will not be able to move and Nightmare cannot be interrupted unless you break through the bar.

His DMG Reduction buff will always be up if not broken.

Has 3 Phases:
1. 100% –> First Break (Spams End of Hell)

2. First Break –> 25% (Has a higher chance of True Nightmare than Phase 1)

3. 25% → 0% (Will almost always have a high chance of True Nightmare mixed in with End of Hell)

With Awoken Platina and Est, RP’s break bar will be shredded. The easiest slow-roll carry comp is Tank / Platina / SUPP / Any.

For break-nuking, a general option is Est + Platina / two other nukers with optimized equips and timing, Both need with break equips (Mavlo, which is the most easily accessible). Only pop your break equips when Platina’s break resist down debuff procs.

Life Draining Botanical Beast4000000Water Immunity

Goldola only takes damage from CRITICAL Hits/DMG while BURNING at various HP % values and will negate damage if not. It has high poison dmg, high dps, and drains water damage (heals from it).


*Starting at 100%, every 20%, erects THEN takes down a DMG Negation shield.

*Chewing Rose: Lifesteals and does moderate-high dmg.

*It will occasionally arts-drain units.

*Grand Cry: Roar that deals high damage and can wipe if you have no status-cleanse/mitigation.

*At 20% of its HP, CLEANSES ONE Burn, gains Burn Resist, and HP Regen (7000 HP per Second) (Regen is void on a successful Burn).

Common slow-roll carry is: Lian / TW Feena / SUPP / Flex, (only) if Feena + SUPP are well equipped and can sustain. Nuking can usually be done with a competent Berwick (or two) + SUPP.

You will want (or at the very least, consider) a maxed Force Keratos among your equipment or other poison cleanse / resist gear that can answer the poison if you don’t slot in a non-water cleanser.

Frozen Calamity in the North4800000

Has High HP, but is fortunately not as dangerous as Goldola or Ragsherum Phantom.


*Attack that Poisons.

*Throwing Attack: May 1-shot.

*Faint Hammer Attack: once his HP hits a certain threshold. Hammer has its own HP bar.

Boss can be easily paralyzed, and is nukeable. You only need to sustain to survive his damage output and cleanse for poison ( Feena) and a little luck on his throw attack selection not to pick your Feena.

Example Comp: (stable slow-roll) TW Feena / ARTSGEN / (Tank / Flex) / Flex.

Example Nuke Comp: Fen / Riviera / Norn / Jill / Any, etc.

Sanctuary of the Bright Spirit5000000*Light Immunity*Break Power Immunity*50% Disease Resistance*70% Paralysis/Freeze/Seal Resistance

The hardest Giant Boss in Global and still a pain in JP, this stage cannot accept dead-weight, unless with extreme coordination. Wilkes does Light DMG. She ignores shields at 75% HP, increases dmg at 50% HP, and her Arts will CRIT under ~30% HP. In the beginning, Wilkes is INVINCIBLE/INVULNERABLE at the start and REDUCES MAX HP to 30% and uses her TRUE ARTS. After the initial nuke, she will be vulnerable, but EVERY attack she has can be lethal.


*Punishment: Light beams hit-stun party with extremely high Light/Magic dmg. (She will slam into the ground)

*Judgement: One lightning bolt will strike 1-2 units with a Light/Magic NUKE, wiping if not mitigated or blinded. (She will raise one arm beforehand)

*Destruction: Slams her circular ride into the ground and steamrolls over the team. Can paralyze, but low dmg.

*Regular Arts: Huge beam of light that she fires. Will crit under 30% HP and wipes most teams without dmg reduction or blind.

*True Arts (Swords of Revealing Light): The 3 floating Wisps at the top of the screen turn into light swords that nuke your entire party, (unless you have 100% status-resistance up). She is invincible everytime she True Arts.

* True Arts is charged each time she uses one Regular Art; this is shown as one Wisp lighting up at the top of the screen. When all 3 Wisps light up, she will perform True Arts again, likely wiping your party without mitigation/blind.

Strategy: As mentioned above, BLIND is the most effective as she is least-resistant to it and most of her attacks are multi-hit, therefore ruining her dps. Nuking is a possible option, but very difficult without extremely specialized setups; dark nuking is usually done on Fridays, when Rem’s Astrology passive switches to Light, or weekends if the passive is randomized to Light.

CORE/DPS: Vox, Wargul (neither are required for a run that works, but are almost universally needed if you don’t have specialized equips/other specialized units).

SUPP: Rimuru, TW Berwick, Rem (very effective on Fridays)

EQUIPS: 4* Defense: Holy Robe “Michael:” Has 35% Light dmg mitigation. Pop in the beginning of the fight against the nuke.

Other (notable) equips: True “Centurion,” Zecht’s Guns, Jack-O-Pensht, Olgrio

Status management equips: HIME-AJISAI, Grimoire SHIN-RA-BAN-SHO, Relic “Force Keratos”, Diez Jade/Raaz

Basic terminology:
DPSA unit that deals good damage. Pay attention to elemental advantage.
ARTSGENUnit that generates arts. At least one 5* support slot/arts-gen on arts/TA.
SUPPA unit that buffs the team/debuffs the enemy: Mako, Fen, Rosetta, etc.