Designed for students with engineering or science bachelor’s degree but limited background in computer science, this comprehensive, two-year, 37-unit program combines an introductory sequence of undergraduate preparatory and foundational course work with all the graduate breadth requirements necessary to satisfy the traditional master’s degree.
Note: The preparatory programming requirement and foundational requirements must be completed at USC and cannot be transferred in or waived. Applicants to this program must meet the admissions standards of the Viterbi School of Engineering.
Select the remaining units of approved 500- to 600-level course work from Computer Science. Recommended options include:
* CSCI 455 is a preparatory requirement for this program, but the units for this course do not count toward the 33 units required for the degree.
**A maximum of 2 units of CSCI 590 and a maximum of 2 units of CSCI 591 may be applied. Internship courses (ENGR 595a , ENGR 595b , ENGR 595z ) are not eligible for elective credit.