Green Book

Green Book Poster Image

i watched this movie w my dad when i was 7 (i know yall who are old enough to be my parent will probably say that i was too young to watch it, but yall gotta understand i wasnt a normal kid and i could watch movies and shows that were considered too old for me without even flinching) to this day im not traumatized by nun i saw and can still watch movies and shows that are too old for me, me and my dad watch green book every month now as a father and son tradition, anyways enough of my yapping, for any normal kid id say wait til theyre 12 or my age

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.FH25. Teen, 17 years old February 3, 2024 Helpful Report

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Nonsensical_Reviewssequel Teen, 17 years old December 14, 2023

"You never win with violence. You only win when you maintain your dignity."

Green Book is a 2018 drama film directed by Peter Farrelly and starring Viggo Mortnensen, Mahershala Ali, Linda Cardellini and Sebastian Maniscalco. Language(4/5): The film has frequent strong language, including 22 uses of “s**t”, 14 uses of “g****mn”, 13 uses of “hell”, 10 uses of “a**”, 4 uses of “Chr**t”, 3 uses of “f**k”, “t*ts”, “J*s*s”, “pr**k”, “bastard”, “piss” and “balls”, 2 uses of “a**hole”, “G**”, “damn” and “white”, and 1 use of the middle finger gesture and “son of a b**ch”. Slurs are frequently used, including 11 uses of “n**ro”, 6 uses of “c*l*red”, 4 derogatory uses of “black”, 2 uses of “n****r”, “c**n”, “br***o p*d”, “kr**t”, “g**nea”, and 1 use of “j**gle b***ies”, “sp**k”, “sp**l”, “e**pl**t”, “ch**k”, “d**o w*p”, “gr****ball”, "jive turkey", “Jew” and “Cuban”. One scene also includes stereotypes about fried chicken. The film has 135 total curses. Sex, Romance and Nudity(2/5): Kissing is shown. One scene implies sex between two men, they’re naked but with no nudity is shown. Brief sexual curses are used, including. Drinking, Drugs and Smoking(4/5): The protagonist frequently smokes cigarettes almost excessively, and he is shown to have an addiction to them. Other characters frequently use tobacco and smoke cigarettes, cigars and pipes. Characters drink alcohol frequently, one man drinks whiskey excessively, and characters occasionally get drunk. Violence(3/5): In one intense scene, an African American man is beaten up in a bar for no reason, we some blood. Gun threats occur. Several people throughout are unjustly arrested for no reason. A fistfight occurs at a bar where people are thrown around and punched. Positive Messages(3/5): Messages about empathy, equality, kindness and helping people. Positive Role Models and Representations(2/5): Some characters, including the protagonist, are racist, however, the main character learns to look past his prejudices. Stereotypes are frequently used, however. Kindness and empathy are sometimes shown. Watching Experience: Nothing of note with my experience regarding mature content. Quality(opinionated): (My rating) Rated PG-13 For language throughout including slurs, a few brief strong uses and a rude gesture, smoking drinking, thematic material, brief violence and brief suggestive material.