Farm Succession: Operating Agreements

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Who can join the farm? And how? What terms are set on compensation if equity and contributions aren’t equal? In this episode, our eighth in our Farm Transition Planning series, Purdue ag economists Brady Brewer and Michael Langemeier discuss agreements that are important in a farm business with Purdue Farm Transition team member Ed Farris. They talk operating agreements and common provisions, as well as buy/sell agreements.

The companion episodes in this podcast series can be found here:

  1. “Farm Transition Planning”, June 24, 2020
  2. “Farm Succession: Transitioning Business Management”, July 22, 2020
  3. “Farm Succession: Feasibility of Adding A Farmily Employee”, August 20, 2020
  4. Farm Succession: Human Resources For Transition Planning”, September 30, 2020
  5. “Farm Succession: Conflict Management For Transition Planning”, December 18,2020
  6. “Farm Succession: Business Governance For Transition Planning”, January 26, 2021
  7. "Farm Succession: Business Entities", February 24, 2021

More information from the Purdue Farm Transition Team can be found here and resources from the Purdue Institute for Family Business can be found at and don’t forget to follow and subscribe to the farm succession planning YouTube channel.



Farm Succession/Transition Planning Series


(Part 1) 2024 Indiana Farmland Values & Market Trends

September 11, 2024

Interested in the latest trends and insights on U.S. & Indiana farmland values? This AgCast episode shares insights from the Farm Sector Balance Sheet, USDA data collection methods, regional variations in land values, and the influences of factors such as interest rates and development pressures on farmland prices. Gain an in-depth understanding of trends, market dynamics, and future expectations for farmland values.

Crop Basis Levels Finish Weaker Than Recent Years

September 6, 2024

Looking back on last year, the importance of understanding how basis affects your marketing plan is evident. Basis levels for corn and soybeans peaked at different times during the 2023-2024 marketing year. Preparing for the Fall 2024 harvest, basis levels continue to be below the three-year trend. To check your up-to-date local basis levels throughout harvest this fall, visit Purdue Center for Commercial Agriculture Crop Basis Tool.

Trends in Corn Plant Populations

September 5, 2024

Explore key trends in corn plant populations across Iowa, Illinois, and Indiana, revealing a steady 1 percent annual increase from 1996 to 2023. With Illinois leading the charge, corn populations rose significantly from 24,200 to 32,400 plants per acre, influencing both seed costs and farm budgets. Discover how understanding the interplay between seed prices and plant population can enhance your farm’s productivity and budgeting strategies.


We are taking a short break, but please plan to join us at one of our future programs that is a little farther in the future.


(Part 1) 2024 Indiana Farmland Values & Market Trends

September 11, 2024

Interested in the latest trends and insights on U.S. & Indiana farmland values? This AgCast episode shares insights from the Farm Sector Balance Sheet, USDA data collection methods, regional variations in land values, and the influences of factors such as interest rates and development pressures on farmland prices. Gain an in-depth understanding of trends, market dynamics, and future expectations for farmland values.

August 2024 PAER issue: Farmland Prices Increase Despite Downward Pressure

August 9, 2024

Indiana farmland prices have continued the trend of record highs in 2024, according to the latest Purdue Farmland Value and Cash Rent Survey. The average price of top-quality farmland reached $14,392 per acre, a 4.8% increase from June 2023. Average and poor-quality farmland also saw gains, with prices increasing 3.7% and 4.4% to $11,630 and $9,071 per acre, respectively.

Comparing Net Returns for Alternative Leasing Arrangements

August 7, 2024

Obtaining control of land through leasing has a long history in the United States. Leases on agricultural land are strongly influenced by local custom and tradition. However, in most areas, landowners and operators can choose from several types of lease arrangements. Flexible cash lease arrangements provide a base cash rent plus a bonus which typically represents a share of gross revenue in excess of a certain base value or threshold.